The undisputed world leaders in plasma cutting, when you want the best. The complete range of Hypertherm Powermax Machine Plasma Cutters. Industrial duty cycles, low operating costs and Hypertherm reliability make Powermax systems ideal for many mechanized applications.

A Powermax plasma system is a versatile tool. Whether in a shop, factory, at home, or in the field, Powermax systems cut and gouge a wide variety of metal types, thicknesses and forms. Most models are available with a handheld or machine torch, each system is available with additional accessories by clicking the parts link alongside each machine. Hypertherm’s Powermax machine line of products consists of four systems that will help you get your cutting and gouging jobs done faster, easier, more reliably and at lower cost.
Mechanized Powermax systems include a standard machine interface through a CPC port, which provides access to start, transfer, and divided voltage signals. For increased control of the power supply through a CNC, the Powermax65 and Powermax85 are available with an optional RS-485 serial interface port (ModBus ASCII protocol). To continue select the cutting capacity you require to find the suitable machine or click all systems to view all of our available Hypertherm machine systems.